Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

Logo, CAP


To So Few - Explosion

The third book of the TO SO FEW series of historical novels.

                       NOVEL OF Courage by Cap Parlier.  Explosion is the third book of Cap Parlier’s To So Few series of historical novels. Cap weaves an intriguing story tapestry with the personal experiences of the young pilots of Fighter Command, Royal Air Force, as well as the vital decisions of His Majesty’s Government, as they walk a very fine line in their defense of Great Britain. Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister as the German armed forces flooded across the border into the Netherlands, Belgium and France. All too soon, the British stand alone against Nazi aggression. President Roosevelt risks it all to provide what assistance he can to the beleaguered British and sends his unofficial emissary Colonel William J. Donovan to assess whether the British could hold the line at the English Channel. Brian Drummond and Jonathan Kensington, along with the other fighter pilots of No.609 Squadron, live life to the fullest in those very dark days that Prime Minister Churchill would so famously say, “This was their Finest Hour.” Cap takes the reader on an energetic journey through the Miracle of Dunkirk and the opening phase of what would become known as the Battle of Britain, in the cockpit of a Supermarine Spitfire fighter airplane, the Cabinet Room at No.10 Downing Street, and the Oval Office of the White House. The reader will not be disappointed with the ride.
                      SAINT GAUDENS PRESS is an independent, privately owned, small press, publishing both print books and digital books (eBooks).  They produce an expanding booklist that includes literary fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and public interest books, sold in all formats through your local bookstore (on order), Amazon.com, Apple iBooks, BN.com, Sony Ebooks, and many other retailers, as well as through the publisher’s website store.  Saint Gaudens Press has plans for the near future to further expand their booklist to include romance, fantasy and popular market erotic books.  Every person who enjoys a good story and entertaining books should visit the publisher's website by clicking on the publisher's logo.  Look for more good books from Saint Gaudens Press in the future.


All readers are welcome and encouraged to send along their review of this book – good, bad or ugly.  Cap truly appreciates all constructive criticism.

LtCol T.J. Lyman, USMC (Ret.) [the first review of Explosion]:
 "Reading your latest book now and enjoying it. So far it is well done and “catchy”. Have my hands moving during the flights.
"Just finished it and enjoyed it very much. Even jealous of the stud.
"Seriously, you did a good job explaining things without getting ” to deep in the mud”, especially the air flying and dog fights.  Got a little lost in all the abbreviations of the individuals but recognize the British ways.
"Look forward to the next one. Keep them coming."

Peter Gipson:
"Our young American pilot has joined the RAF to fly Spitfires as they face ‘The Battle of Britain’. It is a desperate time. The Germans are about to overwhelm the French in their punishing conquest of Europe. The British Expeditionary Force is about to be extracted from Dunkirk and the invasion of England is expected. This is Brian Drummond’s time of blooding in war with occasions of relationships with ladies who are attracted to him. He is shot down and parachutes almost unconscious landing face down in a farm pond. He is rescued by a young lady who is about to become a larger part of his life. The research in the writing of this novel is beyond comprehension with chapters taking us from The White House where the American President has the vision that the United States will be drawn into what will be a World War. From there we go to London where Churchill desperately guides his country through the most anxious and frantic times.
"A good read."



Parlier, Cap. To So Few – Explosion.  Solvang, CA: Saint Gaudens Press, 2013.

ISBN: Original New
print: 978-0-943039-27-5 978-0-943039-39-8
eBook: 978-0-943039-28-2 978-0-943039-40-4
Kindle: B019F06E4G

 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2015-911226.

NOTE: The publisher changed printing houses, which required a unique ISBN, thus the "New" column.  All ISBN's listed above may be in cirulation or available.  The content is identical.


To So Few – Expolsion” is available in print and digital forms.  Copies can be ordered from any retailer (brick & mortar, or on-line), using the appropriate ISBN noted above for your desired format.

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If any difficulty is encountered in obtaining a copy of “To So Few – Explosion”, please contact Cap immediately via the Contract form; he will make every effort resolve the problem.


Cap would be pleased and honored to provide any interested reader a personalized autographed copy of

"To So Few – Explosion"

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This page was last modified: 4.January.2019