Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

Logo, CAP


Anod's Redemption

The second book  of the ANOD series of science fiction novels.

                      ANOD, BANISHED WARRIOR of the Society's elite Kartog Guards, comes to grips with the vast changes in her life. The undeniable attraction of her son and mate lessen the sting of her separation from the Society, the only 'family' she has ever known. Anod and Bradley decide to begin anew. While the pioneer settlers of Murtauri Four continue to expand their new community under the protection of the Society's starships, Anod's nemisis, the former Captain Zitger, now Yorax General Negolian, has waited for the starships to leave. Anod is faced once again by his betrayal and tyranny. She learns the joy of love, and suffers the devastation of loss, as she leads her people out of the abyss.

Copyright © 2000, Cap Parlier. All rights reserved.

                      SAINT GAUDENS PRESS is an independent, privately owned, small press, publishing both print books and digital books (eBooks).  They produce an expanding booklist that includes literary fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and public interest books, sold in all formats through your local bookstore (on order), Amazon.com, Apple iBooks, BN.com, Sony Ebooks, and many other retailers, as well as through the publisher’s website store.  Saint Gaudens Press has plans for the near future to further expand their booklist to include romance, fantasy and popular market erotic books.  Every person who enjoys a good story and entertaining books should visit the publisher's website by clicking on the publisher's logo.  Look for more good books from Saint Gaudens Press in the future.


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Parlier, Cap.  Anod’s Redemption.  Ventura, CA: Saint Gaudens Press, 2004.

ISBN:  print: 



eBook: 978-0-943039-10-7
Kindle: 978-0-943039-11-4

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2004-096707



Anod’s Redemption” is available in print and digital forms.  Copies can be ordered from any retailer (brick & mortar, or on-line), using the appropriate ISBN noted above for your desired format.

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"Anod’s Redemption"

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This page was last modified: 4.January.2019